MUMBAI: CEO Prashan Agarwal, who had earlier said that their team understands the music consumption habits of Indian users, has revealed plans of one of the biggest online music streamin
MUMBAI: 2018 saw many milestones in Indian music industry. Many new music labels were introduced, many existing ones progressed and most of them...
Since its launch in 2016, MTV Beats has been receiving massive success as they claim to have a successful growth over the past two years and...
MUMBAI: With the year 2018 bidding bye, everyone is gladly awaiting New Year 2019. But, before we go ahead, it’s time to look back and reminiscence...
* Base expansion was of focus area in 2010 The Indian Performing Right Society Limited (IPRS) protects the right in the musical & literary work of its members by licensing and distributing the...
* 2010: There was innovation, but mostly across smaller cities
*The Digital Radio Industry in 2010 Finally after being a gleam in the eyes of intrepid digital pioneers and technology whizz kids for many years, there is a palpable vibration in the media world...
* 2010 – A renaissance year for VAS
*A good year for independent artists in India, but can you name 10 such bands? The year gone by was a good one for the independent artists in India. This was factored by the phenomenal commercial as...
* Radio has delivered, and so well! I don't want to do the usual. Talk about problems and figures and issues and solutions, questioning numbers, measurements, listing out the problems and what-have-...
* 2010: The hope of sweet optimism for Radio Radio today is considered a mass medium, especially when you consider the age group that it primarily caters to in India. More than 41% of the FM...