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Press Release |  21 Dec 2011 11:42 |  By RnMTeam

Aurus Christmas Eve with DJ ANKYTRIXX!

MUMBAI: Aurus-home by the sea, where golden hands and opulent chandeliers come together in a convergence of nature and luxury.

Celebrate this special evening along with your loved ones at this world-class fine dining bar restaurant and lounge bar on the beachfront in Juhu.

To make this occasion more special the restaurant has organsied a Christmas eve special party where DJ ANKYTRIXX will  represent the musical cosmos at the highest level!

ANKYTRIXX The super highway of electronic dance music is awash with the constant hybrid sounds full of bounce and sassy grid locks of musical mayhem brought to clubbers by the primal energetic bundle, no one can ignore.

He is a voyager of deep emotive cutting edge Progression that has catapulted him to the halls of dance & fame, forever. Nearing a decade Ankytrixx fast forwarded himself into one of the most contemporary and exciting acts in these modern times.
