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Press Release |  29 Oct 2008 16:02 |  By RnMTeam

Classical music composer Bach claims winning place in BBC World News series, Visionaries

MUMBAI: Visionaries, the popular arts programme broadcast on BBC World News, announces Bach as the most visionary... classical music composer of all time.

In association with Credit Suisse, the seven-part Visionaries series put ten classical music composers head-to-head in their respective classical music era from baroque to the present day. Pitted against each other were: Bach and Handel, Mozart and Beethoven, Chopin and Verdi, Shostakovich and Takemitsu, and Philip Glass and Boulez.

The composers were supported by a knowledgeable advocate who argued the case as to why their chosen composer is the most visionary.

Bach topped the vote as overall winner, followed by Beethoven in 2nd place and Chopin claimed 3rd place. Viewers were able to vote from across on the world for their favourite composer on

Visionaries top classical music composers:

1 - Bach 27%

2 - Beethoven 15%

3 - Chopin 11%

4 - Mozart 10%

5 - Shostakovich 8%

6 - Glass 8%

7 - Verdi 7%

8 - Handel 7%

9 - Boulez 4%

10 - Takemitsu 3%

Francine Stock, presenter of BBC World News' Visionaries, says, The results of the Visionaries viewer vote are really fascinating. BBC World News viewers put Bach in top position with Beethoven and Chopin following in second and third place; it's further evidence of the enduring power of baroque and classical forms of music....

The final episode of Visionaries, broadcast at 1300 IST and repeated at 2100 IST on Saturday 25th October, announced the results of the vote and included a panel debate amongst the advocates who examined the merits of the classical music composers.
