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Press Release |  19 Dec 2011 14:15 |  By RnMTeam

PetaDishoom is NGO partner of Mood Indigo 2011

MUMBAI: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India's youth division, petaDishoom, has been chosen as the non-governmental organisation (NGO) partner of this year's Mood Indigo (MoodI) festival, which is presented every December by the India Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay. The MoodI fest, which is the largest festival of its kind in Asia and focuses on art, music and modern culture, will be held 18-21 December and is expected to attract more than 75,000 students representing 550 colleges. Volunteers for petaDishoom will staff an information table and engage attendees in conversations about animal rights, one of the most significant social movements of our time. This year, petaDishoom has already been the NGO partner of 45 college festivals, including IITs, IIMs, MDI, NLS and various NITs.

"We're thrilled to partner with the prestigious IIT Bombay, because smart people know it is cool to be kind", says petaDishoom's Youth Marketing Coordinator Richa Mithal. "Animal rights are a key concern for today's young people, and Mood Indigo is giving us the opportunity to bring exciting animal protection campaigns directly to that segment of society."

In addition to free literature and merchandise, petaDishoom's display will include a streaming video, "Glass Walls", which contains shocking undercover video footage of the horrific abuse that the meat, egg and dairy industries inflict on animals. The video footage was gathered on factory farms and in slaughterhouses in India.

PetaDishoom focuses on reaching out to people between the ages of 18 and 24. The group's credo is that animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on or use for entertainment. Members of petaDishoom regularly work with bands such as Pentagram, Parikrama and Indian Ocean to encourage young people who are eager to help advance animal rights.

MoodI's mission is to foster social and cultural progress by helping tomorrow's leaders discover their full potential. The colour indigo was chosen for the festival's logo because it's a fusion of red and blue, signifying creativity and intellectualism.
