Radio Mirchi - 28 listeners won cash

MUMBAI: While Dhoni lifted the first ever Twenty20 World Cup and the Indian team went crazy in Johannesburg with its win over Pakistan; Radio Mirchi listeners and employees were freaking out in India.When Team India was batting sixes and fours on the field, it was raining CASH for the listeners of Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM. 28 Mirchi and cricket crazy listeners won Rs. 4000 on every four and Rs. 6000 on every six that Indian batsmen shot and Rs.10, 000 for every wicket that India took!
Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM, Indias hottest radio station had planned a plethora of fun-filled activities for listeners and employees across the country. Across all the Radio Mirchi stations of the radio channel (throughout 33 offices), there was no work post 5 pm and everyone was watching the cricket finals with their colleagues in the office. Their was food, band baja to celebrate the sixers and the fours and of course the spirit of happiness. Moreover, there was an interoffice competition where in three Radio Mirchi stations won the award for best celebrations and were given cricket kits for their office.
Mirchi employees on-air were heard urging other employers to give their employees an early off so that they too could enjoy the match. In addition, Mirchi requested the caller`s boss on his / her behalf to give them an early off to watch the match.
India jeet gayi yaar!!! This final was mirchidaar.