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Press Release |  22 Apr 2008 00:00 |  By RnMTeam

Red FM Delhi goes on a Cleanliness drive!!!!!

MUMBAI: : Red FM, Delhi station in keeping with its "Bajaate Raho!" positioning rolls out its latest initiative Nitin Karega Dilli ki Safaayi - An attempt to make Delhi a clean and healthy city for its residents. Through this initiative which kick-started from the first week of April'08 RJ Nitin along with his Jhadu (broom) maar team covered several localities upon listener request and initiated a cleaning drive, and generated awareness amongst the people on how to keep their city clean.To further this cause, the Station has decided to hold a massive cleanliness drive at Connaught Place, inner circle on the 18th of April, at 7.00 p.m. wherein RJ Nitin along with his Jhadu Maar Team will take on the responsibility of cleaning up after the weekend revelers and their mess.

As a part of Red FM Delhi's ongoing initiative the station offers listeners a chance to call upon RJ Nitin and his Jhadu Maar team to CLEAN UP their neighborhood. The visit to any locality is preceded by the RJ requesting the authorities responsible for the city's cleanliness to take up this issues and clean up their act before they are forced to do so themselves.

This activity which kick started from the first week of April has already covered areas like Lajpat Nagar and Rani Bagh Market and has received tremendous response from the local authorities and citizens. During the cleaning drive at Lajpat Nagar ¦listeners marched on and took to the streets to join hands with RJ Nitin and his Jhadu Maar brigade. Looking at the tremendous response garnered by the campaign Chairman of Standing committee Mr. Vijendra Gupta came on-air and promised to get the Rani Bagh market cleaned in a day's time! Surprisingly when RJ Nitin and his Jhadu Maar brigade went on a sudden inspection the MCD trucks had cleaned up the place in a single day!!!

Commenting on the initiative, Sheila Dixit in an exclusive interview with RJ Nitin on Red FM, said, "This noble initiative by Red FM will help spread awareness among Delhiites that the government needs people participation in order to ensure a better tomorrow for Delhi city. It is easy to criticise the state of affairs but, it's difficult to get on the field and work towards building a better and cleaner society."

She further added that, "I am delighted that RJ Nitin and his Jhadu Maar team have volunteered to take up this responsibility to clean up this city and make it a better place to stay."

Further Akash Verma, Station Head, Delhi said, "Red FM Delhi has always been at the forefront in spearheading campaigns that directly impact the common man's life and bajaaoing issues and areas concerning them. Through this initiative we join hands with the listeners to realise the dream of Clean and Beautiful Delhi."
