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News |  01 Nov 2007 16:50 |  By RnMTeam

Big FM launches in Mysore

MUMBAI:Big FM has launched in Mysore, making it the 37th station of the network in the country. In Mysore, RJs Archana, Bobby, Hari, Shalini and Sindhu will be entertaining the city, and the adjoining areas in the 40 square kilometer aerial distance.

Spiritual programme `Suprabhata` will be followed by the Breakfast Show ``Big Durbar` by RJ Bobby and Archana from 8 to 11 am. Other shows on weekdays include Churmuri` with RJ Shalini from 11am to 2pm, `Mysore Bandi` with RJ Bobby from 2 to 5 pm, `Song Booth` a request show with RJ Sindhu from 5 to 8 pm and a romantic show `Preethinda Hari` with RJ Hari from 8 to 10 pm. Continuous music will be aired through the night until RJ Archana takes over again at 6 am.
