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News |  19 Oct 2006 02:40 |  By RnMTeam

Music Today released Anaida`s ablum `Nayaa`

MUMBAI: Music Today releases ?“ pop music diva Anaida`s brand new album `Nayaa`. The album was formally launched by- film actor Hrithik, Roshan on 16 October at Enigma, J. W.Mariott in Mumbai.

The album has four astounding music videos that reflect different moods of the songs and captures Anaida in her element. The album kick starts with track `Ey Shamaa`where Anaida weaves a melancholic pattern of notes that, are full of pathos and longing. She sings the next track `Khamoshiyaa` in her intoxicating seductive voice. as she adds new colours and new vocabulary to the music.

The other tracks such as `Maula Re`and `Lautaa do` are only a preamble to the exciting musical rhaposodies as the album progresses. While `maula re` is embroidered with sensual sinuous vocal lines `lautaa do` is layered with an intresting combination of percussion breaking the languorous movement in the song.

Nayaa` is a new journey, a new exploration and a whole new ensemble of songs, informs an official statement.

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