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News |  19 Jan 2007 20:38 |  By RnMTeam

Saregama launches Rahul Sharma`s remix video

MUMBAI: Saregama has launched Rahul Sharma`s remix video "Om mani padme hum-" from his santoor exotica album "Ladakh in search of Buddha" last week.

The event was held in Landmark, book and music store. After the successful first video -"Ladakh in search of Buddha, this is the second one.

The video is an up-tempo buoyant and a visual treat of colour and splendor. It captures the picturesque Ladakh festival and showcases the colorful mask dances and the rustic villagers. The lyrics also express the longing and search for Buddha as it starts with "Door Door Khoj teri". The video is shot at the exotic localites of Ladakh by young video director Shiraz Bhattacharya, states the release.

Rahul Sharma is a santoor star that has already made a mark as a santoor virtuoso and has been much sought after in classical sangeet sabhas and as an individual composer for films and fusion music. The album explores the concept of rebirth in Buddhism in an exotic new age fusion presentation using shades of tibetan sounds, the contemporary sound of santoor and small references to Buddhist mantras. The result a cutting edge a new age album.

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