Tips presents `Ishq from the heart` by Lally

Mumbai: Tips Music has recently launched new sensation Lally`s debut album `Ishq from the heart`.
The album is a multicultural and has an urban bhangra feel to the music, which has been composed by Aman Hayer.
The lyrics for the album have been penned by Harijinder Bal, Jandu Litranwala, Prabh Sanjh, Azad Purheeran, Vijay Dhammi (Heranwala), Panchi Dalewal, Lal Athauliwala, Vijay Dhammi and Davinder Khannewala.The album consists of nine romantic ballads. The Title track "Ishq", which has a Dhol and Sarangi fused with reggae & rap feel, features Lally along with G Money. The other tracks are Zind - O Ho - Feat Cheshire Cat , Mutiar (Tappe) , Gabru, Vehra, Nagina, Surma, Punjabian De Naal, and Patli Patang.