MUMBAI: Veteran Lyricist and Filmmaker Amitabh S Verma recently added yet another feather to his cap. The lyricist who has penned hit songs for films like PK, Life In A Metro, Saala Khadoos, Bas Ek Pal and more has recently directed a short film called 'BHOLI' which has won many accolades in India and abroad.
Maanya Varma who played Bholi has received the Best Actor award at International Shorts and Top Shorts. The only Indian to win these two awards in both the festivals. The film has been produced by Shruti Anindita Vermaa and directed by Amitabh S Verma(also written by both Shruti and Amitabh). Paritosh Tripathi of TRP mama fame plays the Mama in this short film that is getting a lot of acclaim.
The film has won three awards in International festivals. Maanya Varma has bagged two very prestigious awards. The first one by Amitabh S Verma the honorable mention for best drama at the prestigious Independent Shorts Awards at LA. Amitabh S Verma has written the national award-winning film Antardwand and dialogues for critically acclaimed films like My Brother Nikhil and Saala Khadoos.
The second one is the Platinum Award for the Best Young Actor Maanya Varma. She also won the best actor award at Top Shorts at LA.
Also, Bholi is among the 21 finalist films shortlisted for Miff in the national categories among a huge list of 850 films from all over the world.