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Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

Entrants will Be Judged Broadly On
  • Usage of words, style of presentation
  • Innovation
  • Strategies
  • Quality
  • Uniqueness
Evaluation Process
  • Individuals with relevant knowledge and experience are selected to serve as judges for the India Audio Summit and Awards. Vernacular or linguistic diversity is considered while choosing judges so that the panel represents the linguistic diversity of the sector. These selected judges volunteer their valuable time to assess entries.
  • Respective categories are split between judges who work independently to score each submission on merits. The organizers have taken care to ensure that categories and responsibilities are assigned in a way that prevents conflicts of interest.
  • Judges are required to score each entry in its entirety, subject to the entry’s conformity with the rules. Judging will be based solely on the entry submitted, in an independent and objective manner.
  • To ensure total fairness, the scores are entered into an internet system and averaged. There isn't a single adjudicator who can change the outcome. Every jury enters their own score; the scores of the other jurors are not known to them.
  • A professional audit is done to evaluate the results. From the judging, the top entries are shortlisted as finalists for each category. Each category’s overall winner is chosen from among the finalists and announced on the day of the awards.
  • Individual entries are evaluated for their intrinsic merits - without comparing them with others. There is no numerical limit for the number of finalists in any category. The number of entries in a category has no bearing on how each entry is scored by the jury.
  • In our categories aligned, there can be one, none, or multiple awards given out. Each entry is judged by an expert set of jury using an industry-accepted standard of excellence.
Rules & Regulations
  • Entries will be screened for eligibility including launch date. It is the responsibility of the submitter to determine and select the appropriate category. However, the awards committee reserves the right to move entries to appropriate categories or dismiss inappropriate submissions.
  • Each entry file must be submitted separately.
  • It is in your own interest to read the entry terms and conditions, and the category descriptions in order to decide whether your submission is eligible, what materials you will need to support your entry, and which category best suits your entry/entries.
  • Judges reserve the right not to judge an entry if the submission requirements have not been met.
  • Deviation from these guidelines, or missing information, may result in disqualification.
  • The judges’ decisions will be absolute and final.
  • Winners will be announced live at the India Audio Summit and Awards 2024, Mumbai.
  • All entries into the competition must have published at least 3 episodes between November 2022 - November 2023. ‘Published’ is defined as the date the episode was first made available for streaming or download to the public.
  • Submitted Podcast shall/must have a publicly accessible RSS feed that can be followed/subscribed to.
  • Submission for Best Podcast Listening Platform can include any app, site, or platform capable of listening to a publicly available podcast.
  • Any show wishing to be eligible to be nominated can register via the registration page until the nomination closing date.
  • Registrations are non-refundable for any reason but shows can be asked to be moved to a different category before the entry deadline.
  • Shows can register in as many appropriate categories as they want. Each category registration is a separate fee. Just make sure your show is appropriate for each category.
  • Shows that do not register are not eligible to participate; a third party can register a show on behalf of another podcast.
  • The entry fee is non-refundable.
  • The competition is open only for all Indian Radio Stations (All Languages)
  • The programme/ campaign must be aired within the period ofNovember 2022- November 2023 for Indian audience/ market.
  • Programmes in all languages are allowed to participate. Regional radio and community radio stations are also eligible for India Audio Summit and Awards.
  • If the audio entry is in a regional language, the English translation of the content to be filled in the form. Other supporting data must be submitted in English/Hindi only.
RJ Categories
  • Content should be submitted in English/any Indian language which will then be translated to English/Hindi.
  • For the submission of the work, the duration of the audio would be of minimum 5 mins and maximum 7 mins. It should not include the tracks/songs played. Rjing, FM radio station jingle, listener and celebrity call-ins and any other programming element as done on air can be included.
  • The entrant must submit the original work created and executed for them or they are authorized to submit the work and other details on behalf of the client for whom it was created and executed.
  • The same work can be submitted in multiple categories that deems fit. There is no limit on the number of the submission of entries in any category by one entrant. However, the same entry cannot be submitted by multiple parties/departments.
  • Only entries that are complete and meet the necessary requirements will be accepted.
  • Full payment needs to be done by the last date for the entries to be qualified for the judging process.
  • There will be no refunds of the entry fees, even if they have been rejected by the Jury.
  • Entries once submitted and accepted by Indian Television Dot Com Pvt. Ltd. will be considered as final. No alterations will be permitted. No entries will be accepted after the specified date under any circumstances.
  • The Jury and governing body's decision will be final.
Trade Categories
  • The campaign's Audio Samples which include Radio Jingle, Promos, RJ Mentions, OB Links - duration to this would be minimum 5 mins and maximum 7 mins.
  • The entry can also be supported by PPT or video (maximum 5mins).
Programming Categories
  • The campaign's Audio Samples which include Radio Jingle, Promos, RJ Mentions, OB Links - Duration to this would be minimum 5 mins to maximum 7 mins.
Handy Tips
  • Read the category descriptions carefully and consider these ahead of submitting the entry. The full list of categories is available on the entry system dashboard.
  • Make sure that you have submitted your entry into the correct category.
  • Make sure the show name, nominee nameis written correctly.
  • Complete payment procedure to ensure entry registration.
  • Don't leave your entry to the last minute.

Contact Us

Contact Us


Namrata Kale+91 - 88282 20651
Karishma Shah+91 - 98678 74792


Madhura Mirlekar+91 - 88501 68720


India Audio Summit and Awards considers that the entrant has read all the rules and regulations carefully and thereby accepts it. Indiantelevision Dot Com Pvt. Ltd. will not be responsible in case of any plagiarism, falsification or infringement and the entry will be disqualified.Indiantelevision Dot Com Pvt. Ltd. automatically obtains the right on all the information and videos submitted and is authorized to use the same for creating promotional material with the entrant's / brand's credits for India Audio Summit and Awards.