Entertainment  |  15 Sep 2017

If there is quality thought put into music then it will definitely do well: Abhijit Vaghani

MUMBAI: "The Alchemist possesses the art of gildening but only a Goldsmith can scratch gold from the darkest mines", this wonderful quote perfectl

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Entertainment  |  06 Jul 2017

I needed someone to complement Sonu (Nigam) Ji's vocals: Amaal Mallik on 'The Goggle Song'

MUMBAI: Amaal Mallik recently composed for ‘The Goggle Song’ from the movie ‘Mubarakan’ which was released today, 6 July.

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Entertainment  |  12 Feb 2015

Sanjoy Chowdhury: Background scorers need to put their foot down

MUMBAI: Apart from being the son of renowned composer Salil Chowdhury, Sanjoy Chowdhury, juggles between the role of music composer and background

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