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News |  25 Jan 2011 17:16 |  By RnMTeam

Radio Misty Morning Crew is 1000-not out

* Siliguri station's RJ Dorjee and Bhavna complete 1000 episodes of Misty Subha

MUMBAI: Radio Misty 94.3 FM achieved a milestone when its morning crew of Misty Subha, RJs Dorjee and Bhavna, completed 1000 shows. Misty Subha is the station's most popular show, and its crew of RJ Dorjee and Bhavana have been hosting the breakfast show since the fm station's inception in Siliguri. For over three years now, they have been jumpstarting North Bengal mornings with this fun-filled and light-hearted breakfast show. A station release says hundreds of listeners came to (the) studios to wish them on their 1000(th) show. This jodi number one gets more than 1000 letters per month....

Nishant Mittal, CEO, Radio Misty, said, This is a real milestone… It is their consistency and sheer dedication that has made this achievement possible....

RJ Dorjee said, It has been a wonderful more-than-3-years with Radio Misty.... RJ  Bhavna said, Everyone has worked hard to make sure we have fun. This is a dream come true for us....Radio City RJ Vera has also worked as a RJ with All India Radio. A post graduate in English, RJ Vera was once a journalist as well. Vera believes in being honest to herself and to her listener`s. A movie buff, RJ Vera also loves to read, travel, and shop in her free time.
