MUMBAI: Entertainment Network (India) Ltd (ENIL) has launched its second FM radio station in Benguluru on 4 May 2016.
In its notification to the BSE, the company says that after Guwahati and Kochi, the Company has commenced broadcast from its radio station at Bengaluru (2nd channel - 95 FM - acquired under Phase 3 auctions held last financial year).
Read story here
Radio Mirchi launched in Guwahati in April.
The station launched in Kochi earlier
And this is what Radio Mirchi CEO Prashant Panday had to say about the launches
With its third launch in two months, Mirchi has beaten HT Media, which launched its new brand Radio Nasha in Delhi (read story here )
and in Mumbai (read story here ) in March 2016.
Radio City, meanwhile, it is believed, is gearing up for its own new launches for licenses acquired under stage I of phase III by August 2016.