| 05 Jan 2025
T-Series becomes No 1 channel on YouTube

MUMBAI: When you speak to the team at T-Series led by Bhushan Kumar, you really get to know that like their boss they are driven to be No 1 in everything they choose to do.

So it comes as no surprise that the music label’s YouTube channel has scaled the peak on the streaming site and emerged as the No 1 globally. This is courtesy its collective and historical views totaling14, 477,123,130 it garnered in the week ended 8 February, according to tubefilter. (That number has gone up to 14,717,644,453 views as of 15 February).

In the process, it toppled gamer and now controversial YouTube star PewDewPie to the No 2 slot with14, 694,323,042 views that he has amassed for his videos.

The best part about breasting the tape to No 1 is that T-Series has achieved it through just 15.71 million subscribers as against PewDiePie’s 53.23 million subs. (The gamer has run into trouble with Maker/Disney which has cancelled its contract with him as well as with YouTube which has revoked his preferred status and dustbinned season 2 of his show Scare PewDiePie following some anti-semitic jokes he cracked on some of his videos. So it’s quite likely that he is going to leave the field clear for T-Series to sprint even further).

Also Read: T-Series and its secret sauce for its Youtube No 1 music channel ranking

Of course, the folks at T-Series can’t stop bouncing up and down with happiness. Sharing the joy T-Series digital president Neeraj Kalyan says:  “The entire team is really ecstatic. It's indeed a proud moment not only for us but I am sure the entire Indian entertainment industry will be feeling proud.”

For the statistically minded at number three is JustinBieberVEVO with 14.293 billion views. At number four and five are WWE and FunToyzCollector with13.23 billion views and 12.48 billion views respectively.

Given below is a list of top 10 YouTube channels –

T-Series has been on number one for twenty-four weeks in a row. Last week the label got 238 million views.