| 18 Feb 2025
MIB scheme evaluation: Revised tenders invited from twenty agencies

NEW DELHI: Nine more agencies in a revised tender for the evaluation of its schemes to be carried on beyond the 12th plan by the Information and Broadcasting Ministry, taking the total number of short-listed agencies to twenty.

Interestingly, development of community radio and anti-piray programme in the film sector which were a part of the tender notice of 6 June have been taken off the new list of schemes to be covered. The number of schemes has also been reduced to seven and their sub-schemes against the twelve in the earlier tender announcement.

Tenders have been invited by 24 July evening and will be opened on the morning of 27 July in the presence of authorised representatives of the bidders. The ministry has made clear that it is not permissible for the addresses to transfer this invitation to any other Institution.

A notice on the website of the ministry includes Terms of Reference (TOR) of the Schemes for Assignment, the standard form of certificates to be included in the proposal and the standard form of agreement. The evaluation of the proposals will be done by the Evaluation Committee.

A detailed proposal including the technical bid and the financial bid need to be submitted in two separate sealed covers. The reference number of the letter and the title of the assignment should be superscribed on the envelope containing the proposal.

The short-listed agencies are:

1. Academy of Management Studies

2. AFC India Ltd.

3. National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD)

4. MAPCON Limited

5. Datamation Consultants Pvt. Ltd.

6. Chrome Data Analytics & Media

7. Transnational Altemate Learning for Emancipation and Empowerment through Multimedia (TALEEM)

S. GFK Mode Pvt. Ltd.

9. Development & Research Services Pvt. Ltd.

10. Nielsen (India) hrt. Ltd.

I l.  Sigma Research and Consulting Pvt. Ltd.

12. Ipsos Research Pvt. Limited.

13. Sreejak Media Pvt. Ltd.

14. IMRB Intemational

15. Kadence Research lndia Pvt Ltd.

16. Mott McDonald Pvt. Ltd.

17. Operations Research Group Pvt. Ltd.

18. KPMG, Building No. 10

19. McKinsey & Company

20. Quality Council of India

The schemes include:

Broadcasting Sector

Prasar Bharati

a)  Grant in aid to Prasar Bharati

b) Grant in aid to Prasar Bharati for Kisan Channel

Film Sector

i)  Infrastructure Development Programme relating to Film Sector

a)  Upgradation, modernisation and expansion of CBFC and certification process

b)  Upgradation ofSiri Fort Complex

c)   Upgradation of building infrastructure of Films Division

d)  Grant-in-Aid to FTII - U pgradation and Modernisation of FTll

e)   Infrastructure development in SRFTI

ii)  Development Communication & Dissemination of Filmic Content a)  Promotion  of Indian  cinema  through film festivals and film markets in India and abroad

b)  Production of films and documentaries in various Indian languages

c)   Webcasting of Film Archives

d)  Acquisition of archival films and film material

iii)  National Film Heritage Mission 

iv)  Setting up a Centre of Excellence for Animation, Gaming and VFX (NCoE)

Information Sector

i)   Media Infrastructure Development Programme

a)   Revamping & Restructuring of DA VP

b)  Modernisation of PIB

c)   Opening up ofNew Regional Centers ofiiMC

d)   Revitalization, upgradation and modernization of Publications Division and Employment News

e)   National Centre of Photography and Special Drive for North Eastern States

f)   Strengthening of RNT Headquarters

ii) Development Communication & Information Dissemination

a)   People's Empowerment through Development Communication (Conception and Dissemination)

b)  Media Outreach Programme and Publicity for Special Events

c)   Direct Contact Programme by Directorate of Field Publicity

d)   Live Arts and Culture

e)   Social Media Platform

Also read: Tenders invited for agency to evaluate MIB schemes in information, broadcasting and films