MUMBAI: 9X Jhakaas, India’s First Marathi Music channel is all set to welcome Lord Ganesha with series of special programming line up. Starting 25 August to 5 September 2017 the channel will air latest Ganapati special songs in the Bhaktinaad Music Band. 9X Jhakaas will also air Lalbaughchya Rajachi Aarti and exclusive star vignettes celebrating the Ganesh festival.
Commenting on the special programming line up 9X Jhakaas Programming head Mr. Ashwini Kumar Patil said, “Our viewers have always enjoyed the Jhakaas Maha Ganpati initiatives on the channel. Besides the very popular Lalbaugchya Rajachi Aarti live coverage on the channel, the Ganesh devotees can also watch the famous marathi celebrities such as Siddharth Jadhav, Vijay Patkar, Swapnil Joshi, Santosh Juvekar, Kushal Badrike and Vandana Gupte share their favourite Ganesh memories. We wish our Jhakaas viewers have a blessed Ganesh festival. May lord Ganesh shower all his love and blessings this holy season.”
9X Jhakaas will also play the latest tracks by popular singers like Swapnil Bandodkar, Adarsh Shinde, Avdhoot Gupte and many more exclusively on the channel. These songs will make their premiere and debut on the channel and will be aired extensively throughout Ganesh festival.
Jhakaas Maha Ganpati initiatives will include the Lalbaug chya Rajachi Aarti which will be telecasted on air every day at 3pm, 7pm and 7am. A one hour special music band titled Bhaktinaad featuring Ganesh songs will be on air at 7am with repeat at 7pm. 9X Jhakaas will also feature popular Marathi celebrities performing Ganesh aartis and sharing their favourite memories of their first performances at the Ganeshotsav.
Jhakaas Maha Ganpati will be promoted through celebrity videos and posts on social media and digital platforms.
So, stay tuned to 9X Jhakaas and watch the best of songs on Lord Ganesha, aartis by Celebrities and much more, starting 25th August 2017.