| 03 Jan 2025
RED FM National Programming Head Ranjit Pathak's noteworthy take on Radio and International Radio Festival

The International Radio Festival, which is slated to be held from 29 October to 4 November 2018, has created hype globally and India is no way behind.

RED FM National Programming Head Ranjit Pathak had a thought to share on both Radio and International Radio Festival 2018. He said, “Radio has an enormous advantage as the most local of all media. Being a local medium, radio can connect to the people of the place like none other. However, a global case study will help this medium grow and adapt new Best Practices in its culture. A hyper-local medium, packed with global learning will be a power-packed combination.”

On being asked if he is attending its ninth edition that is slated to be held in Malta from 29 October to 4 November, Pathak exclaimed, “I may be attending it next year because this year, I have some prior professional commitments.”

Meanwhile, RED FM has a choice to rejoice as at recently at Radio Connex 2018, RED FM Ahmedabad’s RJ Devaki won the best RJ award (International Radio Festival Category). She will be representing India at the fest in Malta.

Also Read: What can be a bigger honour than going to Malta and celebrating my country? RED FM's RJ Devaki, Best RJ (International Radio Festival) winner