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News |  06 Jan 2014 11:38 |  By RnMTeam

MIB officials unaware about the decision to lift ban on news

MUMBAI: There were reports that stated that the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) is reconsidering its stand over government monopoly on radio news and that it could lift the ban over news. But this comes as a surprise to many in the ministry. According to officials, there was no such message circulated around the ministry.

Speaking with, MIB sources revealed that, "We have not received any information on the same. I did read the report that provided information on lifting the ban over radio news but still we await a letter on the same."

In October, the Supreme Court stated that it will examine the rules that bar private FM radio channels and community radios from broadcasting news and current affairs, after an NGO Common Cause filed a PIL. MIB sources added, "Ministry will have to file the reply and will have to wait for the decision."

The ministry has to think and think before they draw a conclusion as they cannot calculate the damage private radio and community radio can inflict on the ruling government as there is no facility for the same like Television. The challenge lies to understand if radio can be misused.

Counsel Prashant Bhushan had in past raised the question of how the government can restrict private FM radio channels from broadcasting news, since "community radio channels are easily accessible". Bhushan had said that not everyone can afford to open a private TV channel, but people can open community radio stations and FM channels.

Private radio FM, according to Phase II and Phase III, is not permitted to air news and current affairs programmes. Phase III guidelines allow FM radio stations to disseminate news bulletins of All India Radio without any addition or modification.
