MUMBAI: Night Time Economy sees catastrophic downturn in trade under New Government Curfew - With defiant customers determined to continue their night out!
Michael Kill CEO NTIA; "Feedback from over 300 Night Time Economy businesses on Thursday & Friday night across the country reported a catastrophic drop in trade, showing on average 62% down on previous weeks, believed to be solely due to the implementation of the new restrictions."
"Many business operators reported that customers were unwilling to allow the curfew to limit their evenings, and that many were seeking alternative locations to continue there social experience"
"It is very clear that the systematic closure of businesses at the same time has been counterproductive, culminating in overcrowding on public transport and dispersal routes."
"The sector has been very explicit in its feedback to the Government regarding the impact of a 22.00pm curfew on the Night Time Economy, but we are yet to see the scientific evidence to substantiate the decision to implement this and we feel the sector has been unfairly targeted "