MUMBAI: Lava Mobiles, has launched a new smartphone in its Iris collection – Lava Iris Fuel 20. The highlight of the smartphone is the 4,400mAh battery that powers it and promises 42 hours talk time on 2G, 13 hours video playback and 35 hours music playback time.
The Lava Iris Fuel 20 features a 5-inch display with FWVGA 854 X 480 resolution. The device is powered by a 1.3GHz dual-core processor coupled with 512MB of RAM. It has a 5MP rear camera with LED flash, 4x digital zoom and high quality Omni Vision sensor. The smartphone also supports HD video playback with 720 pixels. Connectivity options include microUSB v2.0, Bluetooth V4.0 and Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g/n). On the storage front, the smartphone has 4GB internal storage, which can be expanded to 32 GB via microSD card slot.
Commenting at the launch, Lava International Ltd. Vice President and Head Product Navin Chawla said, “Lava Iris Fuel 20 is designed to meet the needs of users who are heavy smartphone users and are looking for a device with astounding battery life that lets them utilise the phone through the day and more. Iris Fuel 20 is a competitively priced 2G phone that is designed to give buyers a delightful smartphone experience.”
The Iris Fuel 20 will be available from next week in white and metallic grey colour options, and is available for purchase at Rs. 5,399.