MUMBAI: Disney India announced plans to bring the timeless classic ‘Beauty and the Beast’ to the Indian stage for the first time ever. Based on the Academy Award-winning animated feature film, this classic musical love story will be presented to Indian audiences on the same scale as the mega-productions seen on New York’s Broadway and on London’s West End. Over 100 of the best musical theatre performers in India will bring the story of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ alive on stage, with world class production values, lavish sets and gorgeous costumes.
Having won hearts across 28 countries, the ‘Beauty and the Beast’ musical will be completely developed locally in India, while retaining the original script and memorable music of the Broadway show. The production will be in English at 130 minutes in duration, with select shows across Mumbai and Delhi from October to December 2015.
“At Disney India, we are always thinking of ways in which to bring our audiences truly memorable world class entertainment experiences, and this pioneering effort to locally produce one of our most beloved Broadway musicals, is another example of that ongoing effort,” said Disney India, Managing Director Siddharth Roy Kapur. “’Beauty and the Beast’ is a story that has resonated with millions of fans from around the world and we are sure it will do so in India as well”, he added.
Globally, this grand musical has had some of the world’s most renowned creative artists bringing to life the magic of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ on stage. Originally produced on Broadway by Disney Theatrical Productions, it boasts of music by Alan Menken (‘The Little Mermaid’, ‘Aladdin’, ‘Tangled’) and lyrics by the late Howard Ashman (‘The Little Mermaid’, ‘Aladdin’), with additional songs with music by Menken and lyrics by Tim Rice (‘The Lion King’, ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’).The book is written by Linda Woolverton (screenwriter of ‘The Lion King’, ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and the upcoming ‘Maleficent’).
Disney India will bring on board the very best local talent, who will work closely with these renowned International artists to recreate the musical in India. Some eminent names involved in the Indian production will include - Vikranth Pawar (Show Director and Creative Head, Live Entertainment at Disney India), Lesle Lewis (Music Direction), Terence Lewis (Choreography), Varsha Jain (Set Design), Gavin Miguel (Costume Design), Pallavi Devika (Hair & Make-up) and Suzanne D’Mello (Vocal Training).
Disney’s ‘Beauty and the Beast’ is the classic story of Belle, a young woman in a provincial town, and the Beast, who is really a young prince trapped in a spell placed by an enchantress. If the Beast can learn to love and be loved, the curse will end and he will be transformed to his former self. But time is running out. If the Beast does not learn his lesson soon, he and his household will be doomed for all eternity.