MUMBAI: Bollywood actor, Abhishek Bachchan who recently starred in ‘All Is Well’ alongside Rishi Kapoor has once again donned the rapping cap – first being for 'Bluffmaster', ‘Right Now Right Here’ – but this time it is for a social cause.
The single is an initiative by Raghav Mathur and its titled 'Until The Sun Comes Up', via Fontana North. The track features Grammy Award winning rapper Nelly, and there is an exclusive bonus version that features Abhishek Bachchan.
"I hope people will look years from now at this song being a singular moment when east and west collaborated in a way that has a true global musical impact. And performing it with Abhishek (who is the most talented human I've ever met) and Nelly (who is a legend) make this song even more special to me,” said Mathur.
Abhishek seconds that sentiment, "Thank you Raghav for giving me the opportunity to work with two of my favourites."
'Until The Sun Comes Up' highlights the lack of electricity in Africa.
Mathur distributed over 300 solar lights to school-age children in the small rural township of Shungubweni, in Tanzania with This is an international NGO that has the goal of eliminating the kerosene lamp from Africa by the year 2020. He purchased these lights to personally deliver them to the community.
These lights will help the students of Shungubweni Secondary School study for an extra 375,000 hours, and save their families $60,000 per light (estimated in Canadian equivalent) as they will no longer have to buy kerosene or candles.
These above mentioned points have been clearly described in the video that features Bachchan and Nelly. In fact, Abhishek is seen emphasising on these number in the video to support the cause.
Originally from Calgary, Mathur has multiple top-selling hits internationally and his 2012 song 'So Much' featuring Kardinal Offishall earned him a Juno nomination, and his mega-hit 'Fire' was a certified gold single with more than 65,000 in sales. He has sold 1.3 million copies of his debut album 'Storyteller' and his 2013 single 'WooHoo' made it to the top 40 on CHR radio for more than six weeks. He is recognised world-wide as a superstar performer, with a strong and supportive base in Canada.