MUMBAI: The two per cent lead in shares over Radio City reduced to 0.3 per cent during week 31 for Big FM Mumbai, however the station managed to retain the summit. The rise from 14.1 per cent to 14.5 per cent helped second positioned Radio City reduce the gap to the top further, followed by Fever FM retaining its last week’s position and shares. The rest of the standings continue to remain the same as Week 30 with Radio Mirchi (shares – 13.7 per cent), Red FM (shares – 11 per cent) and Radio Nasha (shares – 6.8 per cent) followed the top three at fourth, fifth and sixth positions respectively. Oye! FM and Redtro FM occupied the bottom three with 3.9 per cent and 1.9 per cent shares respectively.
The only change in the latest week’s positions for Delhi came through Big FM (shares – 9.9 per cent) that replaced Radio Nasha (9.7 per cent) at the fifth position. Topping the table once again, Fever FM (shares – 17.2 per cent) led Radio Mirchi (shares – 12.8 per cent) and Radio City (10.4 per cent) respectively. Red FM maintained its last week’s position at fourth with 10.2 per cent shares.
Radio Mirchi had an impressive week in Kolkata with the shares rising from 19.4 per cent to 20.7 per cent, and T.S.L. rising to 4.41. The impressive rise in shares continued with the stations that followed second positioned Big FM (shares – 15.7 per cent). Third placed Fever FM saw rise in shares (from 13 per cent to 13.3 per cent shares). Oye! FM dropped shares but retained last week’s fourth position. Red FM’s shares plummeted from 10.4 per cent to 9.1 per cent, as it was replaced by Aamar FM (9.5 per cent shares) at the fifth spot.
Radio City Bengaluru’s dominance as the best performer in the country extended to Week 31. The station dropped points, however, that did not stop it from topping the Bengaluru table with shares of 23.5 per cent. Big FM and Red FM followed at second and third positions with the shares of 19.8 per cent and 17.8 per cent respectively. Almost ten per cent shares separate fourth placed Fever FM (14.4 per cent shares) from fifth placed Red FM (4.8 per cent shares). Radio Indigo and Radio Mirchi 95 retain last week’s positions with little changes.