MUMBAI: In Mumbai, RED FM managed to make its way in the top five positions.
read moreMUMBAI: Fever FM was lucky only for a week to be holding the first position in Kolkata.
read moreMUMBAI: Week 37 in Mumbai saw a few ripples in the top four slots.
read moreMUMBAI: In a replay of last week's numbers, Delhi was again dominated by Fever FM with shares of 17.7 per cent and TSL of 5.21 (last week shar
read moreMUMBAI: Similar as last week, Delhi is conquered by Fever FM with the shares of 17.9 per cent and T.S.L.
read moreMUMBAI: The Radio Audience Measurement (RAM) has released the data for Week 33. Mumbai was again conquered by Big FM.
read moreMUMBAI: Radio Mirchi increased its share from 13.7 per cent to 14.5 per cent to beat Radio City and Fever FM in Mumbai.
read moreMUMBAI: The two per cent lead in shares over Radio City reduced to 0.3 per cent during week 31 for Big FM Mumbai, however the station managed to re
read moreMUMBAI: In the city, the top station dropped shares - Big FM (shares - 16.1 per cent), while Fever FM (14 per cent) dropped shares and the position
read moreMUMBAI: Mumbai was again dominated by Big FM with shares of 17.5 per cent and T.S.L.
read moreMUMBAI: In week 26, Big FM dropped its share from 17 per cent and TSL of 6.06 to 16.9 per cent share and TSL of 5.44 but stayed as the number one F
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