Interview with the group `Rouge`

Firstly I`ll begin by asking you how Rouge came about?
Amrita: Well it kind of started off when I joined the record label a couple of years back and I just started recording some songs. Originally they wanted to put me in another band. But that kind of fell through so I continued studying at the time and waited to meet the right girls because I always wanted to be part of a girl band.Time went on and eventually I was introduced to Legha who was also introduced to the record label, she was writing tracks at the time and Laura at the time was still doing her `A` levels which is why she came onboard after that. We all just kind of gelled really well and that`s when we recorded `Don`t Be Shy`.
Why did you pick the name Rouge for yourself?
Laura: Rouge is like a definition for red-which means passion, love and we all have such an individual love for music and singing.
Legha: It`s also a very feminine name too.
Do you all come from a musical background?
All: Yeah we do
Amrita: Well basically I grew up studying classical music and even got grades in classical music. I learnt how to play the piano and was even in the choir, I really got involved in the whole performing arts thing and everyone was always encouraging me to get involved in that side of things.
Legha: My mum is writer, so is my father and my brother is a producer so my whole family is really into music. My granddad too was a writer so I`ve always grown up with music around me .I used to dance a lot in front of the camera too
Laura: Well I`ve kind of been singing ever since I started talking really. I joined every choir. I could possibly join at school and we used to tour all around the world and I loved performing .I was also really into drama too.
Culturally where are you girls originally from?
Legha: I`m half Lebanese and half Persian.
Laura: I`m Egyptian
Amrita: and I`m Indian
So when are we going to get your album?
Legha: We have worked on the album and tried to get it as perfect as possible. We can`t give the exact date because we don`t want to let anyone down.
Amrita: Once the album is out, every single song in there is written by us and sung by us and we want to put that across to everybody.
What does each of you bring into the group?
Laura: We all have our own individual quality yet we all have a `Rouge` style, don`t you think? We fuse together well. Legha has this huskiness and sexiness about her, Amrita is very hip and her voice is great.
Amrita: And Laura`s very soulful and energetic.
Laura: Even when it comes to writing we`re quite different but in a positive way. Legha can write about anything. Even if it`s about a tree, whereas me and Amrita need to explore the tree first
Do you think its harder you as females in the music industry because it`s so male dominated?
Amrita: In the Asian scene it can be, but we ve been quite lucky and we`ve had full support from the label and each other, but that`s expected really. In the mainstream, it isn`t so bad because there are more females in the market.
Do you sometimes get judged wrongly by the Asian community because you`re young Asian Girls?
Amrita: Of course, but I think that comes with the territory of being Asian, because its not exactly the norm is it? But it`s cool and these things do occur
Laura: Yeah but at the same time as we`re being hated by some, we are also being loved by others and being supported with what we do.
Legha: And that`s the most important thing right now for us.
Being an all girl band, is there ever any rivalry between you girls- you know any fighting over straightners etc.?
Laura: Well emm.. I don`t actually use straightners, but yeah we just beat each other up¦not really. We love being together and we enjoy each others company.
Legha: Even when we go away and we`re booked into separate rooms we`d rather just share and be together. When we went to shoot the video they booked us into separate rooms but we ended up staying together in one.
Laura: Yeah in mineIf you hadn`t all been singers then what do you think you`d be doing?
Amrita: Well at the same time of following our dreams we`re all still studying too and pursuing our professional careers.
Laura: I`m at the university studying Medicine, Amrita studying Dentistry and Legha is studying Economics, so we`re still really involved in education at the moment and in getting our careers down the right path.
Finally, do you have a message for all your fans and the readers?
Legha: Aww this is really important, we`ve never been asked this before.
Amrita: Yeah we`ve never really had the opportunity to say thanks.
Laura: Okay let`s go for it.
All: Thank You, thank you, thank you for all your