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News |  07 Jun 2024 16:19 |  By RnMTeam

NOCUI returns with huge Italo-flavoured single ‘Give Up Control’

MUMBAI: Berlin-based DJ/producer NOCUI announces latest single ‘Give Up Control’, out on all platforms 6th June via Shapeless Culture.

On ‘Give Up Control’ we are invited on an introspective journey into the realms of a techno/human hive mind society. The single examines the tension between human autonomy and the technological infrastructures that increasingly envelop our world. Sonically the track embraces retro-futurism with a thrusting Italo sensibility - irresistible 808 rhythms and spacey synths dance beneath NOCUI’s commanding spoken vox.

‘Give Up Control’s’ instant groove and thought-provoking messaging encourage listeners to contemplate existential quandaries via its pulsating rhythms and compelling melodies, providing a hugely danceable and enticing peek into the sonic-world being built by the rising producer.

NOCUI says:

“The last two years have been extremely reflective for me. I often found myself thinking about our life as a species and what the future holds for us… All these thoughts came hand in hand with one of the most voracious learning periods of my life. I quite literally locked myself in the studio to learn, question, and digest all the machines present in my studio. I often found myself wondering what bond I had with these machines and how they shaped me as a human being. What relationship did I have with technology? How was this affecting my humanity? This track highlights a sentiment that seems to be silently present among us: the knowledge of being an active part of a technological system following rules greater than our comprehension. Against this knowledge, we feel powerless yet functional. Are we in a technological hive mind? Has the physical become the playground of the digital?”

Italian-born musician and producer Leonardo Di Fiore, better known as NOCUI, has cultivated a strong reputation for his meticulous sound work, captivating rhythms, and memorable club music that draws from a wide range of influences spanning from 80s music to 00s house, as well as Mediterranean and Latin references. As the enigmatic founder of Shapeless Culture, a label rapidly gaining recognition for its innovative approach to electronic music, NOCUI demonstrates an enviable A&R flair by introducing artists Siberi and FRCTLS, who have delivered truly impressive debut releases.
